Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jacob's Weekend with me

This weekend I got Jacob my youngest nephew (4) to spend it with me. We had a great time. If I had a dollar for every question that he asked and I had to answer I would be rich. Auntie, What are you doing? Auntie, why didn't we turn down that road? Auntie, why are we going to the park? Auntie, I really get to stay all by myself at your place? Auntie, why do you have this bed? Auntie, why do you have this house? Auntie, who does the turtle swim? Auntie, why does the turtle hide when I go to see her? Auntie, Auntie, Auntie.......??? Gotta love it. So Friday night he chose McDonalds for supper so that was our first stop. Then we just spent the evening her at home playing memory game, cars and lego's. Tucked him in around 9 p.m. and he didn't fall asleep until 11:30 and was just at 7:45 this morning. Gracious I am tired. Today was a full day. After breakfast we took off to the park for an hour and a half or so. We played Bocce ball, and on the swings and slides. Then home for lunch and went off to the farm to see sheep, cows and some little kitties. A great time for both of us.

After holding the little kitty he thought we could bring it home. When I told him we couldn't he wanted to stay there for a long, long time. :) He really liked being able to hold and "snuggle" with the little kitty. Once the little kitty's nails poked him in his chest and he told me, "Oh, Auntie it's hurting my heart!"

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