Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Chores are also a part of every one's life. A child needs to know that she is a part of a whole and that everyone in the family has certain expectations. Make sure you are realistic with time, ability and age appropriateness. By doing this, a child sees that her contributions are valued and necessary. It also teaches her responsibility, a big academic success tool.

Keeping communication open between you and your child is essential to your child's academic success. This needs to be updated daily sometimes, as your child's life evolves and grows with each academic year. During dinner or before bed, ask every member of your household, one at a time, "What is the best thing that happened today?" "Nothing" is not an acceptable answer. You will be surprised at what you hear and what you learn from that one simple question. Parents participate as well!

Whatever the makeup of your family, mom, dad, child, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or cousin, academic success depends on everyone in our daily lives. Academic success isn't just tied to our child's classroom. While that should be a main focus during the academic year, it is also what our child learns outside the classroom, in their everyday life, that helps them to succeed.

Lead by example. Care. Be involved.

By: Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes (2011)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Turtle Catching Weekend

This past weekend I spent in Rocanville. Billie, Jesse and myself went down to Welwyn Lake to see if we could catch a turtle for fun. Not thinking that we could but Billie was determined. And so after about 3 hours of standing in mossy, seaweed, leech infested water she caught a turtle. So now another turtle will be coming to live at my place. It was pretty sweet and she is gorgeous. Looking forward to her coming on Wednesday and getting her setup in her own aquarium. Her name is Getty. So now we've got Myrtle, Gerty and Squirtle

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My weekend with Benjamin

So this past weekend was spent with my nephew Benjamin. He came out to my place for the weekend. What a great time we had. He enjoyed feeding Myrtle and making her dance for her food. The off to the farm we went to enjoy the sheep and new kitties. But the best part of his time with me was when we went and picked up Grandpa and off we went to sight in the guns. And we brought the .22 for Ben to try out. This was his first time to shoot and boy was he excited. He did AWESOME. Out of the 12 shots he took 11 hit the target paper. Not bad for the first time. We've got a little hunter coming up!! YIPEE!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jacob's Weekend with me

This weekend I got Jacob my youngest nephew (4) to spend it with me. We had a great time. If I had a dollar for every question that he asked and I had to answer I would be rich. Auntie, What are you doing? Auntie, why didn't we turn down that road? Auntie, why are we going to the park? Auntie, I really get to stay all by myself at your place? Auntie, why do you have this bed? Auntie, why do you have this house? Auntie, who does the turtle swim? Auntie, why does the turtle hide when I go to see her? Auntie, Auntie, Auntie.......??? Gotta love it. So Friday night he chose McDonalds for supper so that was our first stop. Then we just spent the evening her at home playing memory game, cars and lego's. Tucked him in around 9 p.m. and he didn't fall asleep until 11:30 and was just at 7:45 this morning. Gracious I am tired. Today was a full day. After breakfast we took off to the park for an hour and a half or so. We played Bocce ball, and on the swings and slides. Then home for lunch and went off to the farm to see sheep, cows and some little kitties. A great time for both of us.

After holding the little kitty he thought we could bring it home. When I told him we couldn't he wanted to stay there for a long, long time. :) He really liked being able to hold and "snuggle" with the little kitty. Once the little kitty's nails poked him in his chest and he told me, "Oh, Auntie it's hurting my heart!"