Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rider Weekend

Well this weekend finds me in Regina and yesterday enjoyed the Rider game. Even though we lost to the Argos it was loads of fun to be there and enjoy it. Tomorrow will be spent at the Science Centre and enjoying all that is there and the Imax Theatre. Last night was quite eventful as at about 2 in the morning we woke to the sound of the alarm in the hotel going off. Soon we figured out that it was the fire alarm and so grabbed a couple of things and headed outside. What I found interesting is we are on the top floor and when we left our room everyone was peeking out of their rooms saying "is there a fire". Well Billie and I were on our way quickly down the hallway to the stairwell and getting out of there. I wasn't sticking around to figure out where or if there was a fire. All I knew was the alarm was going off and we were heading out. So once outside, glad it was a warm night, we waited for awhile. Finally the staff told us all was fine and there was no fire. Well then we had no key card to our room as we hadn't thought to grab that and take it with us. So we waited in line to get another one. Lots of others hadn't grabbed their cards either. So it was a disturbed night but got another couple hours of sleep after that. Glad it wasn't a real fire but it did make the heart pound some and I didn't know I could move so fast especially that early in the morning. Here's a few photos from the game.

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