Thursday, April 29, 2010

Getting Ready!!

These days are full of packing and repacking and repacking and repacking. I think you get the point. I am trying to pack as light as possible for Asia but it is a chore. This weekend will be spent finalizing the things in the suitcase. By Monday I should pretty much be ready to go. May 7th I leave at 7 a.m. for Seoul Korea. Then on May 18th from Korea to Vietnam. I am sure looking forward to 3 weeks of Asian life. I know it will be filled with many precious memories and sights. I can't wait. I will post updates and pictures whenever I have access to the internet. Looking forward to the days ahead.


  1. i will see you on the 27th on your way back in van!!

  2. take lots of pictures.....but PLEASE don't loose my camera.....hahahaha.....have a wonderful time
