Thursday, April 29, 2010

Getting Ready!!

These days are full of packing and repacking and repacking and repacking. I think you get the point. I am trying to pack as light as possible for Asia but it is a chore. This weekend will be spent finalizing the things in the suitcase. By Monday I should pretty much be ready to go. May 7th I leave at 7 a.m. for Seoul Korea. Then on May 18th from Korea to Vietnam. I am sure looking forward to 3 weeks of Asian life. I know it will be filled with many precious memories and sights. I can't wait. I will post updates and pictures whenever I have access to the internet. Looking forward to the days ahead.

This 'n That

Just some of the awesome sights I enjoyed last weekend in Rocanville. The sunsets were amazing. Enjoyed the hiking to find the crocuses. They are always a welcome sight in Saskatchewan in the spring. Hiking along the creek and then discovering that I was full of ticks was the only downfall. Time enjoyed by all. I do love my time on the farm and go every chance I get. Glad people are willing to put up with me.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I took my nephews each a bunny. They were so excited and could hardly believe their eyes. Copper is what Jacob named his the grey bunny and Snowflake is what Benjamin named his. They love them lots and have lots of fun with them. They also are enjoying their new puppy Chino. She was quite curious about the bunnies when they arrived.

Lambing Season is well under way

One of my favourite times of the year is when the new little lambs make their first appearance. We are well underway now. So far 18 Ewes have had their lambs for a total count of 48 lambs. This year has been exceptional as we have 3 sets of quads so far. Only two ewes had singles and the rest are twins or triplets. So life on the farm is busy and fun. Sure glad I get to head to my friends farm and enjoy as much of it as possible.

It's Been A LONG Time

I haven't been blogging for awhile now so thought I better update. When I decided to do that low and behold I had forgotten my password. Now all that is straightened out I will soon update you one the happenings and some pictures of what has been keeping me busy.