Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An Evening at the Park

So my sister and I took her boys to the park after supper and after Ben's reading lesson. Fun was had by all. The boys got a total kick out of Auntie and Mommy trying to play football and dodgeball. One realizes that one isn't as young as they use to be. Oh well it was fun all the same and the boys wore off some energy. It was a beautiful evening with no too many mosquitoes and not too hot. A great evening to spend outdoors.

Monday, July 18, 2011

A hot, fun-filled weekend

On Friday I took of to Rocanville to spend the weekend. It turned out to be a fabulous hot weekend so most of it was enjoyed in the outdoors. Enjoyed cuddling with 2 week old kitties. They are so cute and getting curious. Another two weeks and they will be all over the place and getting into trouble. Enjoyed getting to know Mr. Turtle. He is a Western Painted Turtle from what we can tell. Very colourful and very interesting to watch. We went and got him some minnows to enjoy and feeding him was great and watching him eat was cool. We took the kitties out for the first time on Saturday to enjoy the grass. It was really cool watching them figure all that out for the first time. Spent Saturday at the cabin at Round Lake. It sure is high there is hardly a dock to be seen.