Monday, August 23, 2010

Camping and Relaxation

Now this past weekend is what I call relaxation.....camping, sleeping in, tanning on the beach and yes jumping once into the freezing cold lake! I just don't seem to understand the thrill of being in such cold water....but it does cool one off in a very quick hurry. Enjoyed some good campfires and lots of quiet time. Cooking over the campfire is a new experience but I must say we did AWESOME!! Enjoyed watching the little turtles in the lake and screamed as a frog jumped on my leg. Then Billie goes and catches the slimy thing and hence a photo session followed. A great weekend and likely the last weekend of camping for this year........look forward to more camping next summer!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Yet another "RELAXING" weekend in Minneodsa, Manitoba

This past weekend was spent at my sister's and my what a relaxing weekend it was. Friday was the last day of the boys swimming lessons so after arriving in the wee hours of Friday morning I was awakened at 6 a.m. by my nephews ready for the day. I did convince them to fall back asleep for another hour or so. Then it really was time to get up and going. Off to Brandon for the day. Swimming lessons then a few hours shopping and back to the farm to make supper and wind down for the day. It was a very full day.

Saturday was spent in the most relaxing way yet - painting the living room!! Wow was that a full day or what! So much for a relaxing weekend......more like cheap labour! HA HA!!

Sunday it was time to pack up and hit the road home again. Loved my time and I really don't mind painting. :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Camping at Welwyn Lake

This past weekend was spent at Welwyn Lake least most of the time. It was a great weekend despite a few thunder storms and some rain. We enjoyed jumping in the lake a few times to get in some swimming and cool down. Yes, it got hot enough to actually enjoy jumping into the lake for a refreshing dip. It is a very nice quiet little spot and it was so good to go camping again after 11 years. It is something we did lots in our childhood but haven't in past years. So I purchased a tent this year and plan to do a bit more camping now. I love it.